This documentary movie tells the story of the Cherryville NC New Years Shooters from officers of the group. Filmed in January 2000 and produced in 2021 with video footage and pictures from the past 100 years. Available at shooter meetings or the Cherryville Historical Museum 109 E Main St, Cherryville NC 28021 $20 Ea
($4.95 shipping)
This documentary DVD movie tells the story of the Cherryville NC New Years Shooters from officers of the group. Filmed in January 2000 and produced in 2021 with video footage and pictures from the past 100 years.
The official shooters patch which has been used by the Cherryville shooters for over 50 years! Members $5 each, Non-Members $10 each Note: Available at shooter meetings or the Cherryville Historical Museum 109 E Main St, Cherryville NC 28021
($4.95 shipping)
The official shooters patch which has been used by the Cherryville shooters for over 50 years!
You do not have to be a shooter to join the Cherryville New Years Shooters! Men, women, and children are welcome. Children under 18 must have parents’ signature on insurance form in order to shoot. Shooting members must attend meetings. Donations are appreciated. We give to historical preservation, benevolent fund etc.
Cherryville New Years Shooters Inc.
PO Box 1122 - 1242 Shelby Highway, Cherryville, North Carolina 28021, United States
Copyright © 2021-25
Rusty Wise - All Rights Reserved.